Amazing Fractal Worlds Screensaver Free Download

A Wonderful collection of over 40 Fractal motions with amazing resolution for your monitor. All the high quality motions are packed into one installation. Fractal Worlds Screensaver can be used on any color or mono monitor.

Amazing Fractal Worlds Screensaver has over 40 transition effects, Windows XP features, Screensaver Control tray utility, quick start, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.

A Wonderful collection of over 40 Fractal motions with amazing resolution for your monitor. All the high quality motions are packed into one installation. Fractal Worlds Screensaver can be used on any color or mono monitor.

Fractal is a geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller or larger scales to produce self similar irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical (Euclidian) geometry. Fractals are used in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures found in nature.

Fractal Worlds Screensaver Description:

A Wonderful collection of over 40 Fractal motions with amazing resolution for your monitor. All the high quality motions are packed into one installation. Fractal Worlds Screensaver can be used on any color or mono monitor.

The Amazing Fractal Worlds Screensaver has over 40 transition effects, Features, Screensaver Control tray utility, quick start, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.


It’s Amazing – The Amazing Screensaver for Linux. This is the most incredible screensaver ever created! It comes with over 40 different fractal shapes, each as smooth as a leaf on a river, each with its own unending storyline.

Fractal Worlds Screensaver Description:

A Wonderful collection of over 40 Fractal motions with amazing resolution for your monitor. All the high quality motions are packed into one installation. Fractal Worlds Screensaver can be used on any color or mono monitor.

Fractal is a geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller or larger scales to produce self similar irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical (Euclidian) geometry. Fractals are used in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures found in nature.

Fractal Worlds Screensaver Description:

A Wonderful collection of over 40 Fractal motions with amazing resolution for your monitor. All the high quality motions are packed into one installation. Fractal Worlds Screensaver can be used

Amazing Fractal Worlds Screensaver Crack+ Free Download PC/Windows

■ MACRO Key for speed ups and effect transitions
■ Mouse wheel for zoom in/out
■ Space Bar for reset zoom
■ Arrow Keys for transition direction and speed
■ Enter and Escape for effect selection
■ Ctrl key for shortcut effect
■ Shift key for size shortcut
■ Num Lock and Caps Lock key for visual select keyboard mode
■ Right click and Left click mouse buttons
■ MOUSEKEYMODE (controls above normal modifier keys)
■ MOUSEKEYCTRL (controls normal modifier keys)
■ MOUSEKEYSHIFT (controls normal modifier keys)
■ MOUSEKEYALT (controls left and right modifier keys)
■ MOUSEKEYSUPER (controls all modifier keys)
■ Numlock = NumLock
■ Capslock = CapsLock
■ Left shift = Left Shift
■ Right shift = Right Shift
■ Left ctrl = Left Ctrl
■ Left alt = Left Alt
■ Left c = Left C
■ Left delete = Left Delete
■ Right click = Right Click
■ Spacebar = Spacebar
■ E = Top left
■ R = Top right
■ S = Bottom left
■ D = Bottom right
■ Movement (jumping between screens or advancing forward/backward a specified number of frames) = Select by mouse
■ F = R | S | D
■ Pressing TAB key while advancing forward and PgDn will advance backward in one frame
■ T = T | D | F
■ B = B | S | R
■ P = P | A | K
■ D = NumLock
■ M = CapsLock
■ N = Super
■ Graphic Reset = NumLock | CapsLock
KeyMACRO Press Delete to select and reset, then press Enter to reset.
Direction Keyboard Control = Number keys (1 – 9) for left, right, up, down
Direction Keyboard Control = Number keys (1 – 9) for left, right, up, down
Direction Keyboard Control = Arrow keys for left, right, up, down

Amazing Fractal Worlds Screensaver (Updated 2022)

■ FRACTAL SCREENSAVER has over 40 transition effects, Microsoft Plus! features, Screensaver Control tray utility, Desktop Quickstart, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.
■ FRACTAL SCREENSAVER has over 40 transition effects, Microsoft Plus! features, Screensaver Control tray utility, Desktop Quickstart, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.
■ FRACTAL SCREENSAVER has over 40 transition effects, Microsoft Plus! features, Screensaver Control tray utility, Desktop Quickstart, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.
■ FRACTAL SCREENSAVER has over 40 transition effects, Microsoft Plus! features, Screensaver Control tray utility, Desktop Quickstart, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.
■ FRACTAL SCREENSAVER has over 40 transition effects, Microsoft Plus! features, Screensaver Control tray utility, Desktop Quickstart, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.
■ FRACTAL SCREENSAVER has over 40 transition effects, Microsoft Plus! features, Screensaver Control tray utility, Desktop Quickstart, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.
■ FRACTAL SCREENSAVER has over 40 transition effects, Microsoft Plus! features, Screensaver Control tray utility, Desktop Quickstart, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.
■ FRACTAL SCREENSAVER has over 40 transition effects, Microsoft Plus! features, Screensaver Control tray utility, Desktop Quickstart, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.
■ FRACTAL SCREENSAVER has over 40 transition effects, Microsoft Plus! features, Screensaver Control tray utility, Desktop Quickstart, time delay, resampling for different monitor resolutions, full install/uninstall feature and more.
■ FRACTAL SCREENSAVER has over 40 transition effects, Microsoft Plus! features, Screensaver Control

What’s New In Amazing Fractal Worlds Screensaver?

Fractal is a geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller or larger scales to produce self similar irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical (Euclidian) geometry. Fractals are used in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures found in nature.

Amazing Fractal Worlds Screensaver Screenshots:

Amazing Fractal Worlds Screensaver by LEPRUNO has 20 transition effects, movie mode, high resolution, full install/uninstall feature and more.
“Fractal is a geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller or larger scales to produce self similar irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical (Euclidian) geometry. Fractals are used in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures found in nature. A fractal can be described as a two-dimensional shape that has a ‘dimension’ which is higher than its actual size. When the whole image is scaled up by a factor R, the original shape is kept with the same dimension, i.e., it has the same number of parts; but the parts themselves are scaled-up by the factor R. This happens repeatedly, so that all objects within the image have the same dimension. A fractal can also be defined as a fractal object that has the same dimension at all its levels of magnification, i.e. the number of parts and the scaling-up factors are the same at all levels.

The most common kind of fractal is the fractal generated by a point (or ‘affine fractal’), which is produced when you begin with a straight line and add additional straight lines in the shape of a point, and if you continue to add more and more of these lines, you will end up with a shape that has the same proportion and dimension as the original point. This shape is called the branching (or bifurcation) limit set. Other important fractals include the Cantor set, a kind of fractal generated by removing small parts from a larger one, and the Sierpinski gasket, a three-dimensional fractal that is constructed by recursively dividing the large object into nine smaller copies of itself, and then repeating the process with each of the nine copies. All these fractals can be defined as being’self-similar’ fractals, since the shape at any given level of magnification is identical to the shape of the original object at any lower level.

Some other fractals have been created by mathematicians over the years, but they are used mainly to demonstrate that the theory of fractals was developed in a rigorous and correct way. As with other branches of mathematics, fractals have been applied to the real world in a wide variety of fields.”

A large number of the fractals you will see in this screensaver have been developed by the physicist and mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot, who first proved the theoretical existence of fractals in the 1970s, and

System Requirements For Amazing Fractal Worlds Screensaver:

CPU: AMD Athlon 2.1GHz
AMD Athlon 2.1GHz Memory: 1 GB RAM
1 GB RAM Graphics: 1 GB video card
1 GB video card Hard Drive: 4 GB free space
4 GB free space Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
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